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Marv Wolfman
The Amazing Spider-Man reaches his historic 200th issue in this exciting Epic Collection!
Marv Wolfman, Keith Pollard and John Byrne have entered the web and are here to prove why Spidey has become the world’s favorite super hero. Sure, there are tenacious villains to fight, but the true drama comes from the life of Peter Parker. As The Amazing Spider-Man swings toward an historic 200th issue, Peter’s ailing Aunt May is hanging on by a thread. When the man who killed Uncle Ben returns, Peter is faced with a chilling choice. Then, Felicia Hardy — the Black Cat — makes her first appearance, Mysterio weaves his illusions, Spidey faces Doc Ock in an Annual extravaganza and a gang war forces a team-up with the Punisher! With a little disco Dazzler for added excitement, you’ll love every page.
Marv Wolfman, Keith Pollard and John Byrne have entered the web and are here to prove why Spidey has become the world’s favorite super hero. Sure, there are tenacious villains to fight, but the true drama comes from the life of Peter Parker. As The Amazing Spider-Man swings toward an historic 200th issue, Peter’s ailing Aunt May is hanging on by a thread. When the man who killed Uncle Ben returns, Peter is faced with a chilling choice. Then, Felicia Hardy — the Black Cat — makes her first appearance, Mysterio weaves his illusions, Spidey faces Doc Ock in an Annual extravaganza and a gang war forces a team-up with the Punisher! With a little disco Dazzler for added excitement, you’ll love every page.