Justice League by Christopher Priest Deluxe Edition
Weight:0.726 Kgs
Christopher Priest, Pete Woods
When Batman makes a fatal mistake, it triggers a series of events that threaten the very existence of the League itself. And when the team's greatest fan--one who knows seemingly all of their most closely guarded secrets--decides to take the League's redemption into his own hands, the body count begins to rise, with the world holding the Justice League responsible! Things only get worse when the fan's efforts bring the Watchtower crashing to Earth, ravaging an African nation and resulting in the fearsome Deathstroke being hired to intervene on behalf of that country's ruler: the Red Lion!
This deluxe edition features game-changing stories from writer Christopher Priest (Deathstroke) and artists Pete Woods (Robin, Superman), Ian Churchill (Teen Titans) and Philippe Briones (Aquaman). Collects Justice League #34-43.
This deluxe edition features game-changing stories from writer Christopher Priest (Deathstroke) and artists Pete Woods (Robin, Superman), Ian Churchill (Teen Titans) and Philippe Briones (Aquaman). Collects Justice League #34-43.