Home English Books Children's books Ladybird Classics: Peter Pan

Ladybird Classics: Peter Pan

Price: $10.04
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.300 Kgs
  • Bookbinding:
    Hard cover
  • Pages:
  • Dimensions:
    14,6 x 21,4 cm
  • Publication date:
  • Language:


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This beautiful hardback Ladybird Classic edition of Peter Pan by Sir J. M. Barrie is a perfect first illustrated introduction to the classic Neverland story for younger readers.
It has been sensitively abridged and retold to make it suitable for sharing with young children from 5+, whilst retaining all the key parts of the story including Peter's ongoing feud with Captain Hook, his adventures with Wendy, John and Michael as well as the friendship between the Lost Boys.