Home English Books Illustrated Editions Honojiro Towoji Illustration Works 2

Honojiro Towoji Illustration Works 2

Price: $31.51
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  • Weight:
    0.400 Kgs
Honojiro Towoji
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  • Author:
    Honojiro Towoji
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The long-awaited second volume of collected artworks by Honojiro Towoji, the popular illustrator who draws one-of-a-kind fantasy worlds, is now available! Following the extremely popular and long-selling art book Honojiro Towoji Illustration Works, which has been reprinted both in Japan and internationally, and the Honojiro Towoji Shikinomemorie Poster Book, this is the second volume of collected artworks by the popular illustrator Honojiro Towoji. This book of course features original works that delve deeper into a fantastical abyss, along with previously unpublished character illustrations from popular games and numerous client works that cannot be seen on social media. The jacket is an eye-catching red color inspired by the Japanese title “Shaku Shaku Shagu” with a luxurious design. We hope you will look forward to this long-awaited second volume, this time even more densely packed with content.