Home English Books Philosophy The Psychology Book 682

The Psychology Book 682

Price: $23.54
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  • Weight:
    1.170 Kgs
  • Bookbinding:
    Hard cover
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How do our minds influence the way we behave? How do our bodies and minds work together? Do we have free will?

Exploring and explaining the big ideas and groundbreaking theories in psychology clearly and simply, The Psychology Book answers these questions and more and is the perfect introduction to the subject. Untangling knotty theories and shedding light on abstract concepts, entries unpack each complex idea with easy-to-follow explanations and eye-catching images.

In this book, you can find:

The history of psychology, from its roots in philosophy to modern studies of autism and psychiatry across all of the key fields of study, from psychotherapy to cognitive psychology and behaviourism.
Groundbreaking ideas of great thinkers, from Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung to Noam Chomsky and Daniel Kahneman
Information about the key personalities of the 19th and 20th centuries whose work has significantly contributed to our understanding of human behaviour.