Home English Books Children's books Lists for Curious Kids

Lists for Curious Kids

Price: $11.09
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  • Weight:
    0.642 Kgs
Tracey Turner
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  • Author:
    Tracey Turner
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Do you want to know about eight of the world's deadliest snakes, forty-nine countries without a coastline, and five fearless female warriors?

Then look no further because Lists for Curious Kids by Tracey Turner is absolutely bursting with eye-popping and informative lists from around the world, guaranteed to keep you entertained and increase your general knowledge at the same time! Discover Ancient Greek monsters, presidential pets, dizzying mountain peaks, super-fast animals ... and what not to mention at a donkey's house.

With quirky, colourful illustrations by Caroline Selmes, this is a great gift purchase but also a book to buy for yourself!