In the 21st Century, the glittering Neo-Tokyo has risen from the rubble of a Tokyo destroyed by an apocalyptic telekinetic blast from a young boy called Akira-the subject of a covert government experiment gone wrong now imprisoned for three decades in frozen stasis. But Tetsuo, an unstable youth with immense paranormal abilities of his own, has done the unthinkable: He has released Akira and set into motion a chain of events that could once again destroy the city and drag the world to the brink of Armageddon.
New Books
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Spot's Box of Fun
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Things We Hide from the Light (Collector's Edition)
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Instructions for Heartbreak TPB
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The Romantic Tragedies of a Drama King
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Chainsaw Man, Vol. 16
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Dandadan, Vol. 9
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Dandadan, Vol. 2
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Official Fourth Wing Journal
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