Dawn of X Vol. 12

Price: $17.74
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    0.272 Kgs
Leah Williams, Jonathan Hickman, Benjamin Percy, Gerry Duggan
  • Bookbinding:
  • Pages:
  • Author:
    Leah Williams, Jonathan Hickman, Benjamin Percy, Gerry Duggan
  • Dimensions:
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Death and rebirth in the Dawn of X! The resurrection protocols can bring back any fallen mutant. But when a mutant dies, X-Factor is there to investigate how and why...and to
uphold the rules of reincarnation! Krakoa may be for mutants, but they still need to deal with the human world - and Magneto has a plan for that! Wolverine's risky gamble takes him into the heart of a criminal conspiracy - and puts many lives at risk! The Summers family grew a Krakoan home on the moon...now some new neighbors have moved in. The Marauders, the Hellfi re Trading Company and all of Krakoa reel from an unthinkable loss! And when the Citadel commits an act of war, Excalibur must respond! COLLECTING: X-Factor (2020) 1, Giant-Size X-Men: Magneto (2020) 1, Wolverine (2020) 3, X-Men (2019) 10, Marauders (2019) 11, Excalibur (2019) 11