Akimi Yoshida made her manga debut in 1977 with the college manga story her college story, A SLIGHTLY STRANGE NEIGHBOR. Her immensely popular series BANANA FISH, her longest work to date, ran from 1985 to 1994 and made her a superstar in the shojo manga world, injecting a new realism and narrative energy into the genre and attracting a large male crossover readership. Yoshida was honored twice with the top annual prize for excellence in shojo from Japanese publishing giant, Shogakukan.
New Books
The Art of Hearthstone
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The Naming Song
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On the Shortness of Life : The Stoic Classic
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The Art of War : The Ancient Classic
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Think and Grow Rich : The Original Classic
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Keep Me in Your Heart
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The Last One (Deluxe Limited Edition)
Price: $34.19
Jujutsu Kaisen, Vol. 23
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Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang (Novel) Vol. 4
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Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu (Novel) Vol. 2
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Solo Leveling, Vol. 9 (comic)
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Dandadan, Vol. 1
Price: $11.03 -
Guardian: Zhen Hun (Novel) Vol. 3 (Special Edition)
Price: $28.67